Todayat school about8amstarting ourComputer Applicationexam paper, omg!! X_X l never studyComputer Applicationsia!! but l noe it wasCPA + HEafter our form teacher gave us the paper, l quickly read the questionthere got 20 questions O.othen after finishing the paper, l can finally rest!! ^^yay~ l'm so stressed of thinking of the correct answers sia =.= l looked at the time, it was 8.30am, l got 15 more mins before the CPA paper ends!! then it was not too bad la...the paper =X l think l can pass de ^^ then our form teacher told us we can go for recess!! Finally!! I'm so starved +_+ then l eat Pizza + a chocolate drink then when l sit wif Jasnita, Haikai, and Nurul, Sharlene hor....was watching Jasnita eating a hot dog then she thinking hor WAH -_-;; dirty minded then say chibai wad u eating bodo LOL>_> then Jasnita go say Sharlene l was shocked tat Sharlene said tat O_O then Li Lim say l turn bad girl liao saying mi thinking the thing -_- is Sharlene think to thenegative wayT_T then after finishing our lunch we go back to class lor around 9.35am, our class still walking around and dun wan to line up as a index number =.= then Shafirul shouting index numbers to help Sharlene call for the index number, 1,5,7.....bla bla bla =x then some pple think he siao shout so loud for wad LOL1 Malay boy say him XD then Sharfirul got mad at him when our teacher come, all faster lined up LOLso scared of teacher XD then all go in fasterstart the paper for HElor after tat, when l finished the paper, it wasquithardabit not reali sure about it >_<l hope l can pass=x then l walked home wait for mom to come back ^^ then l eat KFChamburger wif mushrooms + Milo drink delicious! X3 then l gone to play wif my pets~ after tat l go rest sleep~ wad a day l had X3 l still got exam so l will tell my another story tomorrow ^-^ ciao~
YGoodbye @2:38 AM
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YThe Boss
20yrs old in single .
Young forever ;)) DOB is remembered ;
Born as a Virgo-Libra Cusp
Has a INFJ personality
studying digital animation
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Designer: MARIANNE
BaseCode: Vanessa, th-emohug
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