Friday, December 19, 2008
My thoughts

l got a scary dream...
it was terrible >_>
u noe wad happened? =_=;;
l dreamt of my fren...HER!!! OMFG *faints*
IF I TYPE (HER)/((SHE) means it's HER
tat l can't describe to you..
ok l was in a temple place tat l noe...
then suddenly all my family was tryign to pray pray
then OMFG (SHE) APPEARED!! then suddenly she call my name ==;;
HER : "ZM!! =D" *smile*
Me : "er...harlo.." *-*;;
then my family memebers started to look at her why is she calling me..T_T
then l suddenly fall on the floor and roll and roll to backwards end of the wall...?!! LOL O_O;;
then suddenly (SHE) keep calling my name and keep laughing me...
Then my family shocked and look at me only...they nvr come and see wad happened to me...
then l was so angry becos (SHE)'s laughing at me and calling me then l..
suddenly SHOUTED AT (HER)!! >_>
Me : "
STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" DDDD:<
l shouted very loud until the whole pple hears me...
then l closed my eyes and l nearly cried alot..
then my family all bring me bck to home...
suddenly l wrapped to home...
and then l sitting at the sofa drinking sth...
my family memebers nvr ask me anything...
then suddenly (SHE) appeared INFRONT OF MY HOUSE'S DOOR?!!
then l opened the door...
then she come in.. she jus come in and goes to my bro's room...
then she lay on the BED?!!
does she has manner?!! >_>
then l jus watch TV and then around 15mins lata...
she came out and then l dun wanna face her so l jus fiish my drink cup and go to kitchen..
so l walk past her and then she goes bck to home l guess and then,
l go to my bro's room and saw my 2nd bro isn't wearing his spec??!
Me : "wei why u nvr wear your spec???"
2nd Bro : " ... " he nvr answer == no reply zzz
Me : "it's (HER) who told u to unwear it right?!!"
2nd Bro : " la no la..." he dun wan admit ==
Me : "YES la!! u dun wan admit!! u noe hor, if u dun wear spec, u get more deep blur u noe!!"
then he wear bck his spec and then he nvr say anything >_>
then l lay on the bed relaxing =_=;;
so l finally dreamt finished of (HER)...
suddenly l dreamt of a weird dream.. O.o
l saw my Mom and Dad and l was shopping at the 3rd or 4th storey...
while l can't see 2 of my bro are around..
then l saw tat we GOT A BABY?!!
my mom is putting the baby on the baby thing sitting for us to roll on the floor...
then suddenly my Mom and Dad go see sth then called me to watch over O_O!
then suddenly the baby was SOOO CUTE!!!
it's looks like a boy =_=;; but if he's a boy,
then l shake the baby's hand playing wif him/her =_=''
and l 4got if he had been choosen a name anot?? o.O
then my parents were bck and then we carry on shopping..
and that's wad l dreamt *---*
THanks for reading!! TxT
finished on : 20/12/08
morning 1053am
YGoodbye @6:37 PM