l am very miserable.... today maths so hard l dun think l can pass.. chapter 3 and 4 = dead score __/27 marks
anyway... todae l usually go home after school then me and Alfia go to 7-11 together why l wan go? just dun wan to go home early go home surely gets scolding or say me ._. so l go take the long way to go there and l buy candy and drink she go buy chocolate =w= the whether SO HOT ! yet buy choclate, lata melts @w@ then we slowly walk to the crossign road lu and she even tell me she nvr go be4... o well l go guide her anyway *-*
starting 13/4 very suay liao scold scold scold at night by 2nd bro ._. 2nd bro scold mom > mom scold me > big bro and 2nd bro scold me - -* ....its like combo scolding - - dun wan say la - - say liao make me veri angry - -
then ytd oso, 14/4 oso very suay, l hate 13 and 14... it's my unlucky number - - ytd kenna scolded by dad then dad scold mom > mom scold me then go sleep
todae, mom say me abt ytd...zzz l very very emotionless - - while reading dictionary around 6.30pm, see dad coming near the door, l faster chiong to the toilet and take a bathe ._.
bathe liao.. dunno do wad then read manga read one piece see pic pic, flip the pages until end then lucky 2nd bro go away then l use com liao lor ._. thought l nvr tok to him for 2 days - -
l am so diff between school and home oso.. w? school, obey teacher . home...dun obey much parents wtf? l wan to obey but l lazy ._. then scold scold nag nag nag nag nag @$#!@$#&^ wad am l doing up to nw!? ._.
guess l'm going to get a everyday scolding ...eh? ._.
srry for not updating blog . written on Wed , 15/4/09 , 7.59pm
YGoodbye @4:39 AM
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YThe Boss
20yrs old in single .
Young forever ;)) DOB is remembered ;
Born as a Virgo-Libra Cusp
Has a INFJ personality
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Designer: MARIANNE
BaseCode: Vanessa, th-emohug
Other[s] : XOXO
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