Today we had a dae bout going to science centre after school at 2pm+ SO MANY PPLE DUN WAN TO COME SIA actually got 15+ pple but they dun wan come then left 12 pple go there =/ all chiong to the bus and faster go up sit at d back o.o 4 or 5 pple sitting infront =_= l sit at the left side watching the view in d window and it takes around 30 mins to be there +_+ when we landed in front of the entrance, WE SAW A HUGE DINOSAUR SO BIG LYK A BUILDING AROUND 2ND FLOOR LIDDAT!! +O+ Sharlene and Jasnita we gone there to let the teacher teach us how to make youhurt~ =P Jasnita , Sharlene , mi and Li Lim was sitting on a chair and a long table we listen to the teacher tok so long about beteria and etc then... FINALLY... we can start making the youhurt! =_=;;
After we finished our lesson there, the teacher gave us free youhurt :DDD lucky got enough of 'em 12 of us, and 10 of it O_O then... when we finished our youhurt, we walked and then FREE kfc's burger LOL so gd! <3> THANKS SHARLENE! xD after that, Mr lau tell us to eat faster we only got 5 mins abefore the bus come then l faster rush and eat faster lor O_O then Lilim said "Wah all finished so fast?" then whwn we walk liao teacher say must eat finish before going to d bus."l help u eat la" said Sharlene O.o then hor l lyk tink Sharlene still hungry XD but she only nid to help her finish it fast =D When we go up the bus again, the bus at the back of teh sits is noisy again =w= lolz then l was so tired l felt lyk wanted to sleep or view the window again singing~ after that when we reached the school gate, all gone to the home econ le ba..? then l jus go home liao =x l jus wanted to go home rest =_=;; but it was very fun and enjoyable ^-^ ~ThE EnD~
YGoodbye @2:34 AM
welcome to♥
Hey peeps!;)
Best view using I.E
create beautiful artwork
get a BEATS headphone
get a camera
go overseas enjoy life
✖ School
✖ Liars
✖ Unreasonable pple.
✖ Bugs
- 제 2 형이 ; 11
- 바람 ; 02
- 벚꽃 ; 16
- 타락한 ; 01
- 리 이순신 ; 04
- JH ; 08
- 미친 제미니 ; 23
- 미친 제미니(더 미친) ; 23
- 김 ; 06
- 리 임 ; 13
- MT ; 08
-A ; 29
- 문어 ; 02
- 숙녀 ; 16
- 회장 ; 18
- 나 자신 ; 22
- 펠리 시아 ; 23
- 캐슬린 ; 24
- 심장 ; 07
- 사탕 ; 25
- 오빠 ; 06
- 링 ; 21
YThe Boss
20yrs old in single .
Young forever ;)) DOB is remembered ;
Born as a Virgo-Libra Cusp
Has a INFJ personality
studying digital animation
likes drawing
Designer: MARIANNE
BaseCode: Vanessa, th-emohug
Other[s] : XOXO
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hope u're visit it everyday ;3
muahaha..? xD
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