Tuesday, January 6, 2009
My thoughts

**psps late poster long no post ><;;** 1st Day of sec 2 life? *-* nah l nvr join my class lor.. l got l got important things to do rather than going to class =_= it's retesting english paper!!!! >_< circle ="=">_>
maybe that's why l need to see which class l'm going..
and around 7.30am, we were singing our country song then..
l realised tat IT'S TOO SOFT!!
LOLL l nearly laughed out wtf =_=
then when we have to go up settle down and see class papers,
l see my paper it's SOOO EASY!! LOLLLL ALL SAME O.O
wow l bet l think l can pass~ xD

then after finish we all have to report at the sch library =_=''
and l feel very bored reading books since 10am lor!! ==
nothing to do sia wtf only talks to my malay friend o_o
no choice teacher say cannot go out of the library
and can't join class period until we done retesting paper T_T
then wow my 2nd in class fren need go retest mathematic wor~
wahahahhaa starting 10.30am need go liao LOL jy wor~~~
around 11am lata,
l asked him how's the paper he say abit hard l think not bad lor =X
so yea after 12.30pm it's GOING HOME RESTING TIMEEEE =D
**prays hard for my retesting paper** =x
and that's how l ended up letting pple asked me
"where l've gone in school?" or "why l nvr see you in sch?"
well yea l opened my msn 1hr+ pple started to chat wif me o..o
well l jus say" l go retest remember? how can l go to class.. "=_=;;
2 days of resting in Sat and Sun ;D
well of cos l havn't broguht books wahahhahahahahaha XDDD
WROTE ON : 6/1/09
timing : 4.41pm

YGoodbye @12:24 AM