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Thursday, April 16, 2009
My thoughts

around 8.20am,
my class all waiting at the foyer,
cos we hosting the HK students !! ( O x O ;;)

l'm so nevous @..@
although l speak Cantonese ,
l don't reali get HK friends..
so l'm very shy *-*

so they arrived , comes down from the bus ~
for Girls, they wear white dress uniform~
for Boys, they wear white T-shirt and grey jeans~
they normally wear tie ! = red tie
and girls , they have red ribbons on their hips,
bottom of their dress to tine the uniform .

their face look so different so..so adult looking !! *-*
the girls have long hair ALL LONG HAIR @.@
their hair like all got reborn be4 sia
wow I'm surprised - - 0% are short hairs
so our class don't have lesson except for science last period XDD

then we proceed to a air con room wahahahha XDD
listen to my class introduction and do presentation~
so we show them our school around
and then goes back to the air con room
HK students go do a lucky draw card ==;;
omg ... I'm so nervous T_T
then l hope my partner is a girl !!
so...guess wad l get?
l got a boy he so tall~~!! @..@

Me : harlo harlo **smiles**
boy : harlo *giggles*
Me : um my name is Z____ M__ =D
wad's your name? =D
boy : my name is Dicky =)
Me : um dun worry l can speak cantonese ^^
Dicky : oh
Me : *speaks cantonese*
so how old are you?
Dicky : um 16 years old
Me : l'm 13 he he =3

so we play a game called tepo?
sit 1 big circle and then 1 person stand in d middle
and then when a person calls out a name,
u must go to the person and TAG him/her
be4 the person tag you, u must FASTER SAY OUT A NAME
played for 10mins and then..
we go have some refreshment ~~

then my partner suddenly lost?! = =
then lucky he is tall l can see his head
from the far far away at my right at canteen
then 20mins, go bck air con room
and take our bags to go to our class ~~
go sit at class tok tok listen to our form teacher
then 30mins, lucky got teacher go teach us Science,
if our science teacher got come, how fun will it be...T T ~
then we do science pratical book~
do electricity , circuit using wire,battery,voltmeter,ammeter and bulb

then 12.20pm all go bck to class,
take photos !! give email ;D
all pple take alot of photos
esppecially the whole class together!! ;]
we took about 4 or 5 pics!! alot of times ==
the teachers and the Hk teachers keep on saying
one more or one last one +_+
well l dun mind LOL
then finally we go liao
so l wave to Dicky bah bye~!!! ;DD
and l follow those HK students go send them ;]

baaaahhhhhhhhh byyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeess!! ;]]]]]

written on Firday, 2.27pm , 17/4/09

see u nxt time:)
YGoodbye @10:19 PM


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create beautiful artwork
get a BEATS headphone
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go overseas enjoy life


✖ School
✖ Liars
✖ Unreasonable pple.
✖ Bugs


- 제 2 형이 ; 11
- 바람 ; 02
- 벚꽃 ; 16
- 타락한 ; 01
- 리 이순신 ; 04
- JH ; 08
- 미친 제미니 ; 23
- 미친 제미니(더 미친) ; 23
- 김 ; 06
- 리 임 ; 13
- MT ; 08
-A ; 29
- 문어 ; 02
- 숙녀 ; 16
- 회장 ; 18
- 나 자신 ; 22
- 펠리 시아 ; 23
- 캐슬린 ; 24
- 심장 ; 07
- 사탕 ; 25
- 오빠 ; 06
- 링 ; 21

YThe Boss

20yrs old in single .
Young forever ;))
DOB is remembered ;
Born as a Virgo-Libra Cusp
Has a INFJ personality
studying digital animation
likes drawing




**Don't open them, 'cuz majority of the links are dead.
They don't have a blog anymore.
I'm keeping them 'cuz I don't want to forget the people i've met.
ホワイト Baichi
ジョウシュンLim Xun
ツイン Cheng Mun
ギルド -2th-desire
9月2日2nd Sept
フェリシア Felicia
うねる Kaze
ウェンジンJing Wen
ジョーカー Cow
リサ Lisa
赤ちゃんペンギンPei er
ペニー Pennie
ペニー Pennie's 2nd blog
うららかな Serene
ぞ知る Shiru
義いポイントYi Ting
ウサギ Yong Song



YMy History


free counters

YTh creditors

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