Monday, January 12, 2009
My thoughts

omg... 3days ago...l was SO NEVIOUS!!
ya noe why? cos..
at around 7am l woek up leh!!
cos l'm too nevious and
l cannot sleep and scared l'm late for it TT
then l didn't noe what to do...but feeling nevious ><
then around 7.30am, my 2nd bro woke up..?
then he go brush teeth then go use com ==
around 8.20am, my bro go buy food to eat..
at that time around 8.50am l go out go to school lor =x
l actually waiting for my bro to come bck fast
but he say he lata around 9.45am come then
l faster walk walk to my school fast to the main gate
walk until my leg so tired =_= and it takes me 10 mins! XD
l took my letter award wif me and my wallet~ XD
then l go there near to the main gate hor,
eeeks so bright my eye... wanna go sleep walking soon LOL
ps : *l will felt sleepy when sun shines on me*

when l reach there,
l get a guide to go where l have to take the letter lor =x
then when l gave a letter to the person in charge,
he give me a free food! O.o
wel l actually dun wan.. but nvm lor l jus eat all l can
then l suddenly felt very weird eating cold food tthe person gave me ==
then l felt like throwing it.. but l dun wanna waste so l ate 3 out of 4 LOL
l thrown it wif the plastic box ;o
too bad l can't eat so early ps not used to it ><
then l go 2nd floor in the hall.. omg pple are gonna gathering soon..
then l faster go sit down looking at school slide show
and then l jus anyhow sit around the 4th row or 5th?
then l wait and wait for my bro to come
and l look at the back but dun hav TT
ps l gone there around 9.15am kan kan hao ;3
around 9.30 or 9.35am my bro then come =_=
come in to the hall looking around for me in the corner =O
then l stand up using my hand to wave~ LOL
then he sat down wif me and we're sitting in the left side XDD

then around only LESS THAN 5 MINS...
my bro so fast wan get up
go help big brother go take a pic of broadrick sec sch =_=
aiyo why dun he go SS it lata when l got the award =w=
then he around 15mins lata again...
9.45am then lucky he comes back 5 mins lata then starts the speaking ==
omg...the more the person speaks the more l'm getting nevious...
then when the 1st row stand up for go to the front liao...
my mouth is shaking? -_-
5mins lata, 2nd row going, my hands is shaking!! -_-;
5mins lata, 3rd row is going up, my body is SHAKING!!! D:<
and's my turn to go up...omggg
me and my bro go together to take pic wif the person shaking hand ;o
and then,when l gv my paper code and my name,
then person says my name l go walk feeling ok O..O
then shaked the hand wif me and my bro then take the fram
e and take a photo together then put back the frame, and faster go down liao ><
yea we go down to get money we jus SS wif the person one
then we go down near the canteen there outside
and go line up for taking money...
and then suddenly my bro says..
2nd bro : remember your code hor
me : ya la so easy! like maplesea code liddat LOL
then when we go there l jus say 4 codes ;o
so the person pass it to me, then l saw...
wah....l saw the letter inside l awarded $500 *_* omg T_T
this is my 1st time getting award~ ;D
l never tot it will be so much O.O
and then my bro see liao then say...
2nd bro: wa $500? even less than my NS finishing money *laughs*
me : so wad == my 1st time award so much looks very happy le ;o
then when we have to look for our picture in the canteen
we waited for 10mins then found it ;D
then we gone home walk walk talk the long road walking ==
then my bro say wanna tak a pic of me taking the award in the field,
so ssed, and then 1 more of me again =3
and then we walk to the bus stop and cross the road
so tiring it takes about 15 or 20 mins D:
it ended about 2 hours around 11pm+ we came back =o
so my bro was planning to take my $$ to buy a DS for me?? ==
no way!! l won't let u buy it without my permission! =w=
then l wanna save alot for future planning to buy something for myself ;D
when l gone in back to my home,
l jus lay on the bed and rest~ ;3
wrote on : Tuesday 13/1/09
timing : 4.26pm
YGoodbye @11:05 PM