Monday, January 19, 2009
My thoughts

every Monday the worst day...zzzzz
u noe why? =_=
cos...l have to do my
CCA ART CLUB!and dealing with my class changing problem...
my teacher noe my maths CMI very jao kao liao le
then wanna meet me after school at the staff room to tok about maths problem T_T
and asked me to write any maths problem l dunno come and see him TT
zz l wanna go back to my
ex class la.. -_-
miss my friends there and my friend go say l
betrayed them?! ==;;
l dun care if l get scolded by teacher if l''m innocent in tat class anot le >< style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">suka suka go there lata Principal saw me then ask why l here LOL TT
and write tat stay here for 1 month and try for the CCA test zzzzzz....
my maths score can go down to the
drain liao la
teacher called us tat after Monday Tuesday holiday,
then got a
surpise maths test omg? -.- other friend oso which is a boy la, he oso same as me say very hard lor
and l heard he
1 or 2 days can go back liao?! >:O OMG!!!
then after recess l nvr see my friend then lonely lor,
nvm... l get used to it sometimes ._.
then l go to bookshop take my
$$ back due to a reason ;x
then after that l go sit at a empty table place there and watch pple playing
soccer o.o
>_> zzz suddenly 2 malay boys came by and sit down too and watch,
then suddenly 10mins lata he saw the ball nearby him then he
K ICK it,
A BOY'S FACE LOL O.O l got shocked of that =w=
then the boy laughing and say srry srry =X
the boy l think
still ok back since l didn't noe if it hit so hard anot LOL
then...recess over...ll pple go back to class zzzz need to go 3rd floor to class ==
so tiring... then l sat down at my class suddenly so noisy omg -.-
l wan to sleep sia cos of the
P.E lesson la teacher call us
RUN AROUND 1.4+ wtf
suddenly they started to scream sia those girls and boys OSO!
they jus keep screaming and screaming then 1 guy SCREAM LIKE
A GAL -.-
then suddenly 1 guy go take the broom to smack it but too fast it fly very high oso
so teacher walk pass and see they screaming ==
after tat the fly go out to teh window leh ==
then pple started to clap == LOL
project work? aiya scary teacher leh its my ex science teacher last year TT
became my PW teacher omg so fierce TT
he say..."l dun care if u got CCa anot,go out wif mom,got tution anot"
"if l dun see the PW work tomlo email to me by the deadline tomolo at 11.59pm,
l'll haunt every one of the group memebers to coem wif me
and do it make sure u noe how to do it" zzzzzzz
dead la >_>
YGoodbye @5:55 AM