Saturday, January 24, 2009
My thoughts

omg l got 5 kinds of hw to do sia...
l dun have so much time to use com oso l need chiong all my hw T_T
l'm dying on this ==
List of Homework- English newspaper finding meaning
- English newspaper fill in questions
- English CONJUCTION paper
- Science workbook around page 54 to 64 (10 pages)
- Maths practice training (counted as hw ;x)
well l don't have much time to blog oso l'm gonna do it when l'm free T.T
ytd around 3am, l was sleeping then
kana got disturbed by the nxt door neighbourhood -_-
zzzz my father got realised it 1st, then tell us *_*
l was like... "
WAH" why so late yet still
bang bang on the next next door sia!
then l think they
siao angry until wanna throw things at home or
then my mom sleep beside me oso say dun care about them
then my father keep on hearing it then cannot stand it, faster go out and see +_+
so l nvr care l jus close my eye and sleep.. o..o''
then suddenly my father saw a indian/malay guy pushing his things on d way! -,-
then luckily my father knew abit of english then
the malay/indian guy said
sorry =x
well l nvr cared about it
and then when l got woke up,
l dreamt of my father being
bitten by a
snake on the back shoulder
?! -_-""
written on 25/1/09
timing = 9.35am
YGoodbye @5:07 PM